Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mother of the Year! Or not!

Awe! Aren't they sweet? They really do love each other.
When I decided to start a blog I wanted it to be funny, encouraging, sweet, adorable-you get the point! But I also wanted it to be real. So, here goes reality! It was sorta one of those weeks that as a Mom you hope your kids don't remember you for. It wasn't pretty!
I am going to take a short minute to get on a soap box. Is it just me or does anyone else's kids morph into little vipers when they play video games? Who invented those things? I am almost positive it wasn't a Mom! Okay, now that that is off my chest, we did manage to squeak out a few good moments. Above is a picture of Skyler & Brandon at the water park. Spencer was on a ride with Daddy the only time I remembered to bring out the camera! I'll get ya next time Spence! Although, I didn't get the Mother of the Year award this week I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thank God for forgiveness!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, how freaky is this...before I read the post I thought that was a picture of Ben and Skyler under the waterfall. When did Brandon get so big? Check out those pecs! I guess I should have clued in to all the hair and then I would have realized it was not Ben. Sorry Bro :)
